Hello there, Midlifer!

You’re in the right place if you’re a high-achieving professional woman struggling with:

Midlife Transitions: divorce, caregiving, health issues, empty nest, grief, career change, compassion fatigue & burnout, depression, menopause

Self-Concept: low self-esteem, fear of abandonment, trust issues, poor boundaries, perfectionism, people-pleasing, imposter syndrome, fear of failure

Emotional Balance: managing stress, calming the mind, reducing anxiety, improving emotional resilience

Life Goals: clarifying your vision, setting and achieving goals, finding purpose and passion in your next chapter

And Maybe…

You’re not sure if you have experienced “trauma,” but you feel your past getting in the way of the present.

Your body and mind feel “dysregulated,” with emotions or reactions that seem too extreme or out of control, making it hard to handle situations normally.

You’ve spent a lot of money and time over the years in talk therapy or trying self-help, but it just isn’t cutting it anymore. Something is missing. Often it’s the holistic approach that integrates mind and body healing.

Imagine experiencing a profound shift where you feel in control, balanced, and at peace. Picture yourself overcoming past obstacles and confidently moving forward with clarity and purpose. My coaching program offers this transformation, helping you to release old patterns and embrace a life filled with resilience and joy.

I guide professional women who have devoted their lives to their families and careers to heal old wounds, rediscover themselves, and achieve excellence and purpose in their second act.

I Coach Midlife Women to Fearlessly Overcome Doubt and Limiting Beliefs to Enter a New Dawning.

Personalized Packages:

Individual Concierge Coaching

Join a one-on-one coaching experience tailored to your unique needs, past self-growth experiences, and schedule. Together, we'll:

  • Rebuild your confidence.

  • Clarify your vision.

  • Create a balanced, fulfilling life.

With personalized attention, we'll address your specific challenges and goals, ensuring a profound transformation that aligns with your aspirations and values.

12-Week Course:

Her Midlife Divorce Rapid Reboot

Enroll in a holistic course designed for midlife women healing from divorce. We'll focus on:

  • Rebuilding self-esteem and confidence.

  • Healing from the past and moving forward.

  • Creating a fulfilling future.

Through shared experiences and weekly group coaching sessions, you’ll gain the strength and tools needed for profound personal growth and lasting transformation.

Support Groups:

Community for Women 40+

Join my private Facebook group and 8-week self-love support group and book study. Perfect for women not yet ready for more involved coaching:

  • Share experiences and support.

  • Foster self-love and empowerment.

  • Navigate life’s transitions with confidence.

These groups provide a safe space for connection, growth, and encouragement.

What to Expect:

Before Scheduling a Coaching Session

I offer a free consultation to discuss your needs and goals and see if my coaching approach is the right fit for you.


So We’re a Good Fit. What Next?

If we both decide we're a good fit after our call, we'll schedule our first coaching session. I'll send you a couple of quick forms to complete and a Zoom link unless you’re attending in person. If you’re enrolling in a program, you’ll register and receive course materials.


What’s a Coaching Session with Me Like?

As a coach, I bring a relaxed, warm, and relatable approach. Together, we'll set goals for what you want to accomplish.

In our sessions, you'll have the opportunity to vent, dream, gain perspective, and discover new insights. We'll challenge old beliefs, instill new ones, and work on regulating your nervous system. I’ll be your advocate, cheerleader, and accountability partner, providing compassionate support while also reminding you of your goals to help you stay on track.

With a master’s degree in professional counseling, 12 years in trauma healing, and 21 years as an Air Force officer, pilot, and leader, I offer a unique blend of compassion, discipline, empathy, and motivation. My goal is to guide you from despair to hope, from doubt to confidence, and from limits to limitless possibilities.